Saturday, June 18, 2011

New Bike

I got a new bike! I've been pestering Matt about getting me one for a while now. It is a metallic purple color. Its preeeeety. :)

Ginny Found the Frog

Remember my plant that I was working so hard on to keep it alive?

Well, Ginny destroyed it today. I couldn't figure out WHY she did it... she has been out on the patio with it several times and has never shown any interest in it. I was not happy with her...

After I brought her inside I saw this little guy jump out from behind the rocking chair.

Apparently Ginny found the frog that has been living in the plant. I checked him out and he is fine, so apparently she didn't get him. I guess that was the last we'll be seeing of Mr. Frog unless we get a new plant soon. Even then, he may be traumatized and just find another plant to live in. ;) We'll see!


I know I haven't been on in a while. It seems to be my pattern to blog regularly for a couple of weeks, then go a really long time without blogging at all! Sorry! Things have been pretty hectic since I started my new job. I have really enjoyed my new job so far. It is going to take longer than I expected to really get into the swing of things, but I think there are some really good opportunities for me there. It is nice being up there with Matt, too. We get to have lunch together and can usually fit in a few games of ping pong during our lunch break. I might add that I was the "Ping Pong Champion of the Week" last week. :) Anyway, as things come up, I promise to blog some! Honestly, there just hasn't been much going on worth blogging about! Don't give up on me! :)


We went to a dairy about an hour and a half from Austin. Here are a few pictures from the day!

Jonathan decided that he wanted to drive the golf cart!

Matt and Jonathan on the hay ride...

Matt milking a cow...

My turn! :)

Keith (AKA Pops), Jonathan and Matt...

We got to bottle feed the calves...

Josh and Jonathan petting the bunny...

Jonathan petting the goat...

Feeding the goats...