Ok! Here comes my long blog post that tries to explain everything that has happened in the last couple of weeks. It’s long, so you might as well get comfortable! The spacing between paragraphs is being really weird for some reason, so if it all runs together - sorry!
I went to Athens, TX for Thanksgiving to spend a few days with Matt and his family. We got there on Tuesday and stayed through Friday afternoon.
When we got there we ran inside and changed clothes then went to play Racquetball! Matt and his dad play quite a bit so they invited me to tag along so they could teach me how to play. I LOVED it! It took me a while to really get used to it, but I finally got the hang of it! I might of even beaten a certain somebody… *cough* matt *cough* :) Matt and I went back again on Friday to play. I tried to learn how to play tennis this summer but it didn’t go so well… I think I like racquetball much better!
Thursday (Thanksgiving Day) was Matt’s 21st birthday. I was so excited to give him his birthday present that I gave in and gave it to him at midnight. So technically it WAS his birthday, so I didn’t cheat. :) I got him one of the new iPod nanos. They are really cool! I didn’t think that I liked them when they first came out, but after I bought Matt’s I got it out and played with it some and they are really cool! I had done a good job of not letting him figure out what I got him, so he was pretty surprised.
On Thursday morning we went to Matt’s grandma’s house for Thanksgiving lunch. I had met most of Matt’s family before then except for his two aunts. I think I scored some bonus points though because I brought homemade rolls! That’s right, Papaw Mac, I made the rolls and they were a big hit! (Don’t worry though – I didn’t share the recipe, haha) Their Thanksgiving meal reminded me a lot of Thanksgiving at our house. It was very relaxed and casual and we had really good food, so I felt very at home. After we ate we turned on the Cowboys game so we could stay updated then played games. We played Musical Catch Phrase, which I had never played before. It was fun, but it was hard to describe the song titles sometimes! You get BONUS points if you SING the song, but I didn’t know how to sing most of mine. :) After we played games for a while we just sat around and visited and watched TV and spent some time relaxing.
On Friday morning we slept in then got up and ate pancakes and bacon and sausage! It was sooo good! If you know me well, you know how much I love breakfast food! Once we were completely stuffed, Matt and I went and played racquetball again. By the time we got back, we had just enough time to clean up then… can you guess? I’ll give you a hint…

Turn on the A&M vs. Texas game, of course!!! I had been REAL nervous about it and had finally convinced myself that it didn’t really matter… but I was still really anxious about it. We watched the first quarter then we left to drive to Dallas to eat at Spaghetti Warehouse for Matt’s birthday. A bunch of his family and a couple of friends showed up there to surprise him. We listened to the second quarter on the radio on the way there. A&M was playing really well at the time and was ahead by quite a bit so I was able to relax a little more. As excited as I was inside, I tried to not show it TOO much since someone was cheering for the other team (I’m too embarrassed to say who…. :) Haha, just kidding! Yes, Matt was cheering for Texas). While eating, I was waiting on updates from dad and got a few updates from Matt’s dad who would walk over to the bar area and check out the scores for me. In the end A&M won so I was very happy! I did all that worrying for nothing… :)
When we finished eating Matt and I hit the road toward Gainesville. On the way back, though, we decided that we wanted to stop and see if there were any good movies playing. We went and saw “August Rush”. It is VERY good!! I would definitely recommend it! SO GO SEE IT!

Saturday morning we woke up to SNOW! It wasn’t cold enough for any of it to stick, but they were HUGE flakes. Matt and I went out and played in it a little while. It snowed for quite a while but, like I said, none of it stuck. It was fun to have snow for Thanksgiving though! Considering how often it snows in Texas, we thought it was pretty fun. Here are a couple of pictures of us in the snow!
Look at the huge flakes...

Catching the flakes in our mouths...

Around lunch time, Cheryl and Tom came over for lunch. Then, OF COURSE, Elijah came over too… oh and Jason and Summer as well. :) We all had a good time eating and visiting and eating and watching football and eating. We had soup and cornbread! You can’t get TOO much better than soup and corn bread. So anyway, it was a nice relaxing day, and all together a GREAT Thanksgiving!
I headed back to OC on Sunday to finish up the semester. ( I only have a week and a half left now!) So now I’ll move on to all of the latest from OC. (I told you this would be long….)
Well, our volleyball season is over now. We had two games right when we got back from Thanksgiving break to end our season. Whereas we had fun, we weren’t very good, haha. We didn’t even make it to the playoffs! Oh well, it was a fun season. Our next sport is basketball but it doesn’t start until next semester, so I have a little break as far as my Athletic Director duties.
On Friday night a group of us had a “date night”. Some of the girls got dates and some of us went stag (Matt couldn’t make it) and we headed out to the Chickasha Lights. Before we left we invited everyone over to our apartment for soup and a few games of Tennis on Wii. I must admit that when we left I wasn’t really looking forward to it. Whereas I think Christmas lights are fun, I don’t find all that much enjoyment from going around and looking at lights. HOWEVER, in the end I had a pretty good time. It was a little over an hour drive to Chickasha so the long drive wasn’t too fun, but the lights were pretty cool. When we left there we stopped at Braums and got ice cream and hung out there for a while. I got an Eggnog MILKSHAKE! It was REALLY good! Eggnog is just one more thing that I love about Christmas time. Since I still haven’t checked into getting my camera fixed, here are some stolen pictures from the night.
Us with the short Santa...

Some pictures of some of the lights...

This is what it looked like to stand underneath that big tree...

On Saturday a big group of girls went wedding dress shopping with one of my roommates, Meagan. She is getting married this summer. I was sick so I just went out to eat and to one dress store with everyone. The whole group ended up spending almost the whole day going from store to store! It was fun shopping with her and being the “judges” of each dress that she tried on. There was one that Kirby really liked and Kirby just kept saying, “Meagan I like that one…” over and over again! I’m not sure if she found “the one” or not, but she definitely found a lot of cute dresses!
That evening I went to the Pi Christmas Party. It was so much fun last year, but I was really pretty disappointed in it this year. The girl who planned it did a great job, but Pi’s participation this semester has really been pretty sad. There weren’t very many people there and that kind of messed up a lot of the plans. I stayed for a few hours then came back to the apartment to relax.
Lately, Matt and I have been looking into different options for this summer. We would really like to work somewhere together again. We have looked into interning at another church, at mission based programs and summer camps and all sorts of things! The two that we are most interested in right now are located in Denver and New Orleans! We weren’t really TRYING to find somewhere far from home, but those are the ones that have really jumped out at us the most so far.
We have been talking a lot with the guy from New Orleans and learning about what all opportunities we would have there. It is a very small church that focuses on inner city missions. The inside of their church building was completely torn up from the hurricane so they have had to kind of start over. They are also in the process of planting a church in the inner city area. It is very close to downtown New Orleans. The minister there told us you can walk to the corner and pay a dollar to get on the trolley and take it downtown! Matt and I discussed the perks of the good food and the good music! Haha! We are still learning a lot about the church and the things we would be doing. Kirk offered to pay for our expenses if we wanted to come and visit and check it out, so we are trying to plan a time sometime over my Christmas break. If you want to read more about this church you can go to
http://www.carrolltonavenuechurch.org/. When I told mom about this church she told me that, after the hurricane, she had found this church's website while trying to find ways to help out. She said she really loved their website because it was very personal and even printed out parts of it to show people. She said she still checks up on their website to see how the church is doing! We couldn't believe that it was the same church!!! Coincidence? Who knows.... :)
Our other option right now is with a program called Dry Bones in Denver. We have contacted some people there and have been emailing some with them, but are still trying to figure out what we would be doing there as interns. This is also an inner city missions program. You can find more about this program here:
http://www.drybonesdenver.org/We are praying about these options and would love to have your prayers as well. We are trying to learn more about both options and make the decision that God leads us to. Hopefully something will work out and we will have another opportunity to spend our summer working together, serving others and, most importantly, serving God.
I think that I have FINALLY gotten y’all caught up on everything… for now, anyway! Oh yeah, it’s officially Christmas time now so you should listen to this CD… :)

The end!